
Chicago Vacation                                                              23rd of August to 5th September 2015

Friday, 4 September 2015

Oak Street Beach

Today is our last day of sightseeing and the temperature has gone down like the humidity so it was time to hit Oak Street beach. It's only a short walk from the hotel to here and it's a fantastic beach that even had a bar on it although it was a bit early for that though. I must say it was nice just sit around for a while and do nothing. We're not really the type to sit on a beach all day and even though the lake is warm at this time of year I had absolutely no desire to go for a swim. I think they rake the sand here every morning, with this being a lake there is no tide to wash all the trash away that people leave behind but it looked so clean.

Now it was time to head onto the very top end of Michigan Avenue for a coffee. There's a couple of large shopping malls along here so had a look in them, one even had an all year round Christmas shop. 
Tucked away in amongst all this modern architecture it the Fourth Presbyterian Church, looking at it from across the street it doesn't seem very big when surrounded by tall buildings that are 50 floors high or more but it's vast inside. The detail in the stonework and wood carving are incredible.

As it is Labor Day weekend tomorrow it's starting to get a bit manic in most places so got the bus down the road a Mile or so to Michigan Avenue Bridge and the shop "Bye Bye Chicago". This is my favourite Nicknack shop, I'm not sure what the deal is in this city but all the souvenirs are the same price wherever you go, I'm sure it's something to do with the city and their tax grabbing ways. Just up the road, they had a pop-up market going on so got a free tote bag that they printed up while you waited. I know it's tacky but it's free and unique, I like that.
After more strolling around we jumped on the bus and got something to eat then went back to the hotel as I was done in. After a nap we had one last wander around the neighbourhood and dropped into Walgreen's and found something we had been looking for, little American flags so bought 2 of them for 99 cents each.